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Whole Helsinki

At the hospital – our chaplaincy service

17.12.2019, 21:28

Do you need someone to talk to with confidence?

Are you worried about the future after an accident or a medical diagnosis?

Would you like to receive a bedside communion, private prayer service or christening?

Our hospital chaplaincy team is here to help, and you can contact us at any time.

Chaplains work with hospital in-patients and with people attending service centres (senior centres), and we are also here for their family and friends and the staff looking after them. We are all practising Evangelical Lutherans ourselves, but we are committed to supporting people of all faiths and none. If you’d like, we can also help you make contact with representatives of your own religious or spiritual affiliation.

All conversations and information shared with us are treated with the strictest confidence, and all our services and meetings are offered free of charge.