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Can I be baptised?

11.11.2022, 13:22
“Look, here is water! What is to prevent me from being baptized?”
“If you believe with all your heart, you may.”
“I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.”
(Acts 8:36–37)
Lasimaalaus Jeesuksen kasteesta

Jesus told his disciples to go out and make disciples of all nations baptising them and teaching them to obey all that Jesus had taught them. More and more people in Helsinki come from a non-Christian background or have been raised in a church that did not support infant baptism. If you are one of them and you would like to become a disciple of Jesus, you can be baptised in the Lutheran Church.

Adult baptism class

Baptism and teaching go together. Before you can be baptised you will need to receive teaching about Jesus and the Christian faith, so you know what you are committing yourself to.

The church provides baptism classes for all who want to join the church through baptism. Adult baptism classes are held in small groups or as individual one-on-one classes. During the course you will have the opportunity to ask questions about life and faith that are important to you, discuss about the deeper meaning of life, and explore the Christian faith in greater depth. You will also take part in the worship life and various activities of the local parish. After you have finished the course, you can be baptised on the confession of your faith.


At baptism, you will receive two or more godparents. They are there for you to support you in the different stages of your life and in your journey of faith and to pray for you. You may ask people you have come to know to be your godparents, or the parish will connect you with people who are happy to serve you in that capacity.

You must have at least two godparents who are baptised and confessing members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland. It is possible to have more than two godparents, some of which can also represent other Christian churches. Under special circumstances the parish vicar may give permission to have only one godparent.

Godparents are a gift and a blessing to each young Christian. Connect with them and boldly ask them for their help and support when life gets tough.

Already baptised in another church?

If you have been baptised in another Christian church or denomination as an infant or an adult, you cannot be baptised again in the Lutheran Church. The church recognises only one Christian baptism. (See Ephesians 4:5.) Depending on your background, you may have to follow confirmation classes and be confirmed in the Lutheran Church in order to be accepted as a member. Contact your local parish for more information.

Even if you are not a registered member of the Lutheran Church, you are more than welcome to attend our worship services, Bible studies, and prayer groups, and participate in almost all of our activities.

To be baptised in English

All churches in the Helsinki area will be able to assist you in English, but most regular church services tend to be held in either Finnish or Swedish language. They can help to arrange your baptism in English language or if needed, in several other languages as well.

The English language parish serving Helsinki area is St. Matthew's which is located at St. Matthew's Church (Matteuksenkirkko) next to the Itäkeskus Metro station. It will be able to assist you with baptisms and confirmations. For more see St. Matthew's Home Page