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Roihuvuori church

04.04.2017, 15:06
In the support wall of the Roihuvuori church, completed in 1970, burn gas flames to remind us of the Viking signal fires which burned in the same place. In ecclesiastical terms, they symbolise the light of Christ.

The Roihuniemi church, completed in 1970, was designed by architect, Lauri Silvennoinen. The church was built on the highest point of the coast. Otherwise built of domestic materials, the large windows are from Germany and the church bells are from Austria. The church bells bear the text Soli Deo gloria (Glory to God alone).

The church is hexagonal, like a 4th century baptism chapel. The parish meeting hall and baptism chapel connected to the church repeat the same shape. The ceiling structure depicts the Star of David.

The altarpiece of the church is the glass painting, Circulum Vitae (The circle of life). The altarpiece was designed by artist, Reino Hietanen. The altarpiece of the baptism chapel is the mosaic work, Kristus ristillä (Christ on the cross), by Marjaniemi artist, Uuno Eskola. The new church textiles from 2005 were designed by textile artist, Raija Rastas. On the left hand side of the church hall is a sculpture made by the Italian artist, Antonia Da Cudani, and at the back of the church hall, the icon, Hellyyden Jumalanäiti (The Holy Mother of Perpetual Help), which was received as a donation.

The organ, made by the Kangasala organ factory in 1972, has 26 stops. The façade of the organ was designed by diploma organist, Pentti Pelto.

The parish and church social work offices and club facilities are housed in a separate building in the courtyard of the church. The church is used by the Roihuvuori parish.

Celebrations at the church

Members of the church can organise a baptism, a wedding or a funeral free of charge in the church.

The church seats 450. The parish meeting hall seats 90. Including the foyer, there is room for 120 people. The baptism chapel seats 54. It is well suited for small-scale weddings and baptism ceremonies. Events with coffee served can also be organised in the club facilities of the courtyard building of the church.

The church kitchen is equipped with kitchen machinery. There is tableware for about a hundred guests.