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Munkkiniemi Church

Munkkiniemi church

03.04.2017, 16:07
The Munkkiniemi church, completed in 1954, is entered from under the votive ship. The Baltic coastal vessel of the Late Middle Ages is reminiscent of the clergymen, the Estonian Bernardine monks, who gave Munkkiniemi its name.

The Munkkiniemi church, completed in 1954, was designed by architect Pauli Salomaa.

The church is unassuming. The floor slants toward the altar and the crucified Christ. Unusually for a church, the pulpit and altar are placed at the lowest point of the space.

Above the altar hangs the bronze work, Ristiinnaulittu (Crucified), by sculptor, Johannes Haapasalo, which is at the same level as most people sitting in the body of the church. Above the entrance is tar-scented votive ship, a Baltic coastal vessel dating back to 1300–1500, made by Olavi Peltonen.

The statuesque Palava pensas (Burning bush) mission candelabrum was designed by sculptor, Eila Hiltunen in 1985. The bronze font from 1954 is by Johannes Haapasalo. The choir carpet, by textile artist, Kristiina Hänninen, and church textiles designed by textile artist, Päikki Priha, are from 1998.

The church received the current organ, made by organ builder, Veikko Virtanen, in 1978. It has 18 stops. The bell rack of the church has two bells.

The church used by the Munkkiniemi parish was renovated in 1998 based on the design of architect, Kari Hyvärinen

Celebrations at the church

Members of the church can organise a baptism, a wedding or a funeral free of charge in the church.