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Oulunkylä Old Church

Oulunkylä old church

03.04.2017, 16:14
The old wooden church of Oulunkylä stands by a busy traffic road in Siltavoudintie. Originally built as a house of prayer, the building serves the Swedish parish of Petrus and the Oulunkylä parish. It is a popular church for baptisms and weddings.

The old church of Oulunkylä was built in 1905 as the house of prayer of the Evangelical Association, partly by volunteer Oulunkylä residents. When the Oulunkylä parish was founded in 1919, the house of prayer was turned into a temporary church. The parish bought it from the association in 1950. The church served as the main church of the parishioners until the new church was competed in 1972. Since then, the atmospheric wooden church has been a popular venue for baptisms and weddings. The Swedish parish of the district, Petrus församling, uses it as their main church.

The designs for the church were made by master builder, Karl Fredrik Bergman. After a fire in 1978, the church was renovated and re-dedicated. The bell tower was built next to the church in 1932.

The altar has the bronze relief, Jeesus siunaa lapsia (Jesus blessing children), by sculptor, Harald Sörensen-Recognizing, from 1909. Bergman's son-in-law, Uno Staudinger, donated the relief to the church.

The inventory of the church includes a silver flagon and cup by silversmith and Academician, Bertel Gardberg, from 1973. The pulpit cloth kept in the church may belong to the earliest church textile productions of Suomen Käsityön Ystävät (Friends of Finnish Handicraft). It was restored in 2005.

The church also has a marble Pro Patria (For their country) memorial plaque, originally located on the wall of the Swedish Comprehensive School, which lists the names of the students from the school who fell in the war. Many of them had been baptised, were confirmed, and were finally laid to rest in the old church of Oulunkylä.

Celebrations at the church

Members of the church can organise a baptism, a wedding or a funeral free of charge in the church.

The church seats 100 people.