Did you know? This is Slovakia -näyttely Lauttasaaren kirkolle 4.11.
Did you know? This is Slovakia
Slovakian Suomen-suurlähetystö järjestää Lauttasaaren kirkolla näyttelyn otsikolla Did you know? This is Slovakia. Näyttely koostuu kahdeksastatoista julisteesta, jotka esittelevät keskieurooppalaisen maan perinteistä ja modernia elämäntyyliä, keksijöitä ja kuuluisuuksia sekä slovakialaista luontoa.
Näyttely on esillä Lauttasaaren kirkon kirkkosalin ja Kirkkokahvilan aulassa 4.11.–29.11.2024. Lämpimästi tervetuloa tutustumaan.
Did you know? This is Slovakia.
Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Finland organizes a exhibition at Lauttasaari Church. The theme of the exhibition is Did you know? This is Slovakia. The exhibition consists of 18 posters that present the traditional and modern lifestyle, inventors and celebrities as well as Slovak nature.
The exhibition is on display in the Lauttasaari church entrance hall and the Kirkkokahvila cafeteria entry way between 4th and 29th of November.
Lauttasaari Church is located at Myllykallionrinne 1.
Public transport:
The church is located within walking distance (450 meters) from the Lauttasaari metro station. Bus number 22 stops by the church at the "Lauttasaaren kirkko" bus stop.
There is a Helsinki City parking lot near the church (100 meters), that allows parking for 4 hours at a time. Please remember to use a parking disc.
The church is accessible through the main entrance. Taxis and service vehicles may drive up to the main entrance. The Kirkkokahvila café is accessible through the inner courtyard of the church.