01.09. Onneksi olkoon: Pirkka | Palaute
Kannelmäen seurakunta

Bible Study Circles in English in Kannelmäki Parish

08.02.2023, 08:58 /  päivitetty 08.02.2023, 10:56
Dear residents in Kaarela area! Are you interested in learning more about Jesus? Join us for Bible study in English.
Bible and a coffee mug.

Kannelmäki Parish is organizing Bible Study Circles in English for residents living in Kaarela area. The schedule of the event will be announced later. Coffee, tea and some refreshment are offered. Church membership is not a requirement for attending the event.

For inquiries, please feel free to contact Ali Kazemi, Multicultural Project Manager at Kannelmäki Parish.

Ali Kazemi, tel. 09 2340 3812, ali.kazemi@evl.fi