Choral Evensong
Choral Evensong Tuomiokirkossa
Anglikaaniseen perinteeseen kuuluva Choral Evensong koostuu raamatunteksteistä, hymneistä sekä kuoron laulamista osuuksista. Tervetuloa hiljentymään ja kuuntelemaan anglikaanisen seurakunnan kuoron (St Nicholas Chamber Choir) laulamaa, erityisesti näihin tilaisuuksiin sävellettyä musiikkia sekä kirkkovuoden ajankohdan tekstejä.
A distinctive feature of the Anglican tradition, Choral Evensong is a solemn and prayerful service of chant, larger choral works written to specific texts which are included in every service (such as the Magnificat and Nunc dimittis), hymns, and biblical readings. As is customary, much of the service is sung by the choir alone. The congregation is invited to immerse themselves in the meditative atmosphere and sublime sound aesthetic of the music sung by the choir thereby instilling a silent, reflective, and profoundly personal offering of praise.